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Sumiko Rainier

Sumiko - Rainier


In Stock

6 900 Czk



Rainier model, very good  recording capabilities and widening range of stereo and  frequency bands by reducing unwanted resonances due to a well-used vibration case, which eliminates these even better. Overall, very faithful and soft delivery in all frequency bands.

We will recommend the Sumiko brand to all listeners who want to enjoy high-quality sound in a high class at a very reasonable price on the market, both in the MM and MC category.

Precise handmade production in Japan and many years of experience are their business card and you will really like their sound very quickly, just like us in our testing. It is necessary to let the laptops play for about 2-5 listening hours, then a constant beautiful sound will appear.


Cartridge Type: Moving Magnet

Stylus: Elliptical

Cantilever Material: aluminium pipe 

Wire Material: pure copper

Internal Impedance: 1,130Ω

Load Impedance: 47kΩ

Frequency Response:  15Hz - 25kHz

Output Voltage: 5.0mV

Channel Separation: 25dB @ 1kHz

Channel Balance: 1.5dB @ 1kHz

Compliance: 10x10-6 cm/dyn @ 100Hz

Recommended Load Capacitance: 100pF - 200pF

Vertical Tracking Angle: 20°

Tracking Force: 1.8g - 2.2g

Recommended Force: 2.0g

Cartridge Weight: 6.5g

Replacement Stylus Unit: RS Rainier, RS Olympia, RS Moonstone