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Various Artists Beat-line Supraphon 1968

Various Artists - Beat-line Supraphon 1968


Skladem na prodejně

540 Kč


Rok vydání:1968
Katalog:0 13 0525
Stav desky:
VG+ použítá - mírné opotřebení
více ZDE
Stav obalu: GOOD
Umytý vinyl


Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Repress, Mono


A1 Petr Ulrych . Atlantis  Seď A Tiše Poslouchej  
A2 Petr Ulrych . Vulkán Musím Táhnout Svůj Vůz Dál  
A3 H. Zagorová . Flamingo  Svatej Kluk  
A4 Pavol Hammel . Prúdy Čierna Ruža  
A5 Karel Černoch . Juventus  Procitnutí  
A6 Karel Černoch . Juventus  18 Minut  
B1 The Cardinals  Even The Bad Times Are Good  
B2 The Cardinals  Never My Love  
B3 The Rebels Creque Alley  
B4 The Rebels Words  
B5 Michal Prokop . The Framus Five Respect  
B6 Michal Prokop . The Framus Five Nobody Knows You When Your Down And Out


Snímky z I. československého festivalu beatové hudby 

[Recordings from the 1st Czechoslovak beat music festival. Although the subtitle implies a live recording, these are regular studio tracks; some of the featured artists performed at the aforementioned festival in autumn 1967, however. Uncredited: recorded March 18, 1968 Czechoslovak Radio Brno (A1), June 6, 1968 (A5, A6), summer 1968 (B1, B2), April 1968 Studio A (B3, B4), early 1968 Czechoslovak Radio (B5), October–November 1968 (B6). Track B3 should correctly spell “Creeque Alley”, track B6 “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out”. Retailed in a preprinted neutral Supraphon sleeve with overprinted tracklist, basic credits and liner notes.]


(Manufacturing date code): 68 2


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