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In My Eyes The Difference Between

In My Eyes - The Difference Between
Litujeme, tento produkt již není dostupný


Rok vydání:1998
Katalog:Revelation: 67
Label:Revelation Records (8)
Stav desky:
VG+ použítá - mírné opotřebení
více ZDE


Vinyl, LP, Album

+ insert

Made in USA

A1 The Way It Was Left 2:02
A2 The K.O.S.T. 1:43
A3 Advice Taken? 0:17
A4 Lasting Values 2:06
A5 Through The Motions 1:52
A6 Actions Fall Short 1:44
A7 Difference Between 1:37
B1 In(My Eyes)tro/This Is Our Time 3:17
B2 My Reply 2:07
B3 A Little Too Late 1:51
B4 Courage To Care 0:49
B5 Overlooked 1:56
B6 Converstion Drifts 10:14