Leprous The Congregation (Re-Issue 2020)
Litujeme, tento produkt již není dostupný
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Katalog: | 19439750901 |
Label: | Col |
Stav desky: NEW nová - bez poškození více ZDE | |
Stav obalu: NEW | |
Sealed Gatefold 3 LP |
2lp+CD / Incl. Bonus Track
Gatefold Sleeve
1-1 | The Price |
1-2 | Third Law |
1-3 | Rewind |
1-4 | The Flood |
1-5 | Triumphant |
1-6 | Within My Fence |
2-1 | Red |
2-2 | Slave |
2-3 | Moon |
2-4 | Down |
2-5 | Lower |
2-6 | Pixel (Bonus Track) |
3-1 | The Price |
3-2 | Third Law |
3-3 | Rewind |
3-4 | The Flood |
3-5 | Triumphant |
3-6 | Within My Fence |
3-7 | Red |
3-8 | Slave |
3-9 | Moon |
3-10 | Down |
3-11 | Lower |
3-12 | Pixel (Bonus Track) |