Ezra Furman Sex Education
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Katalog: | O02QD55010 |
Label: | Bella Union |
Stav desky: NEW nová - bez poškození více ZDE | |
Stav obalu: NEW | |
Sealed |
1-1 | I'm Coming Clean |
1-2 | Love You So Bad |
1-3 | Every Feeling |
1-4 | Dr Jekyl & Mr Hyde |
1-5 | Care |
1-6 | Restless Year |
1-7 | Early Rain |
1-8 | La Madrugada |
1-9 | I Can Change |
1-10 | Amateur |
1-11 | My Zero |
1-12 | The Good Book |
1-13 | Body Was Made |
1-14 | If Only the Wind |
1-15 | Can I Sleep In Your Brain |
1-16 | Devil or Angel |
1-17 | At the Bottom of the Ocean |
1-18 | Splash of Light |
1-19 | The Queen of Hearts |