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David Sylvian Gone To Earth

David Sylvian - Gone To Earth
Litujeme, tento produkt již není dostupný


Rok vydání:1986
Katalog:302 803-420
Stav desky:
NM použítá - výborný stav
více ZDE
Stav obalu: NM
2 LP
Umytý vinyl


Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo

Made in West Germany


A1 Taking The Veil 4:40
A2 Laughter & Forgetting 2:40
A3 Before The Bullfight 9:55
A4 Gone To Earth 3:00
B1 Wave 9:13
B2 River Man 4:50
B3 Silver Moon 6:05
C1 The Healing Place 5:30
C2 Answered Prayers 3:10
C3 Where The Railroad Meets The Sea 2:55
C4 The Wooden Cross 5:00
C5 Silver Moon Over Sleeping Steeples 2:25
D1 Camp Fire: Coyote Country 3:45
D2 A Bird Of Prey Vanishes Into A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky 3:20
D3 Home 4:35
D4 Sunlight Seen Through Towering Trees 3:00
D5 Upon This Earth 6:30