Melvins A Walk With Love and Death
Litujeme, tento produkt již není dostupný
Rok vydání: | 2017 |
Katalog: | A998186012 |
Label: | Ipecac |
Stav desky: NEW nová - bez poškození více ZDE | |
Stav obalu: NEW | |
Sealed 2 LP |
.. Death
1-1 | Aim High |
1-2 | Queen Powder Party |
1-3 | Street Level St. Paul |
1-4 | The Hidden Joice |
1-5 | Give It To Me |
1-6 | Chicken Butt |
1-7 | Eat Yourself Out |
1-8 | Scooba |
1-9 | Halfway To the Bakersfield Mall |
1-10 | Pacoima Normal |
1-11 | Park Head |
1-12 | T-Burg |
1-13 | Track Star |
1-14 | The Asshole Bastard |
2-1 | Black Health |
2-2 | Sober-Delic (Acid Only) |
2-3 | Euthanasia |
2-4 | What's Wrong With You? |
2-5 | Edgar the Elephant |
2-6 | Flaming Creature |
2-7 | Christ Hammer |
2-8 | Cactus Party |
2-9 | Cardboa Negro |