Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Dazzle Ships
Litujeme, tento produkt již není dostupný
Rok vydání: | 2023 |
Katalog: | 060244881492 |
Label: | Universal |
Stav desky: NEW nová - bez poškození více ZDE | |
Stav obalu: NEW | |
Sealed 2 LP Barevný vinyl |
Silver & Ocean Blue Vinyl / 40th Anniversary
Coloured Vinyl, Anniversary Edition
1-1 | Radio Prague |
1-2 | Genetic Engineering |
1-3 | Abc Auto-Industry |
1-4 | Telegraph |
1-5 | This is Helena |
1-6 | International |
1-7 | Dazzle Ships (Parts Ii, Iii and Vii) |
1-8 | The Romance of the Telescope |
1-9 | Silent Running |
1-10 | Radio Waves |
1-11 | Time Zones |
1-12 | Of All the Things We've Made |
2-1 | Telegraph 82 (Very Early Demo) |
2-2 | Silent Running (Demo) |
2-3 | Sold Our Souls (the Avenue Demo) |
2-4 | Shakespeare 82 |
2-5 | Untitled Instrumental 82 |
2-6 | In Heaven Above (4- Neu Demo) |
2-7 | Telegraph Live 1984 |