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Gustavo Santaolalla The Last of Us: Season 1 (Soundtrack From the Hbo Original Series)

Gustavo Santaolalla - The Last of Us: Season 1 (Soundtrack From the Hbo Original Series)


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Rok vydání:2023
InterpretGustavo Santaolalla, Dave Fleming (2)
Stav desky:
NEW nová - bez poškození
více ZDE
Stav obalu: NEW
2 LP
Barevný vinyl


Green & Transparent / Incl. Double-Sided Keyart Poster

Transparent, Gatefold Sleeve, Coloured Vinyl

1-1The Last of Us (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-2Get Out (David Fleming)
1-3All Gone (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-4The Quarantine Zone (Gustavo Santaolalla & Jake Staley)
1-5Don't Look (David Fleming)
1-6Forsaken (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-7Breaching the Wall (David Fleming)
1-8Hope (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-9Haven (Gustavo Santaolalla & Juan Luqui)
1-10Resolve (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-11The Swarm (Gustavo Santaolalla & Juan Luqui)
1-12Long Long Time (Nick Offerman)
1-13It Can't Last (Sunset)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-14Raiders (David Fleming)
1-15Longing (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-16All Gone (Affliction)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-17Vanishing Grace (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-18All Gone (Purpose)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-19All Gone (Isolation)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-20Warning Signs (David Fleming)
1-21Salvation (Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-22Subterranean (David Fleming)
1-23The Last of Us (Prevail)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
1-24Bravery (Gustavo Santaolalla & Juan Luqui)
2-1Survive (David Fleming)
2-2A Great Man (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-3All Gone (Flashbacks)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-4Never Let Me Down Again (Jessica Mazin)
2-5Left Behind (Together)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-6Fleeting (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-7Vanishing Grace (Devotion)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-8Never Let Me Down Again (Depeche Mode)
2-9The Choice (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-10Left Behind (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-11All Gone (Embrace)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-12Complications (David Fleming)
2-13Collateral (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-14Resolve (Isolation)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-15Unbroken (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-16All Gone (Elegy)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-17Wounds (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-18The Last of Us (Vengeance)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-19All Gone (In Vain)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-20All Gone (Ephemeral)(Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-21The Path (Gustavo Santaolalla)
2-22All or None (Pearl Jam)

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